- 2011/10/19(Wed) : |
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Dear UHECR2010 Nagoya conference participants,
I'm happy to announce that online access to the UHECR2010 proceeding is
now set up at the AIP WEB page, visit
Use a username "***" and password "***" if needed. This access will be
available for one year. Please note that the username and password are
highly confidential and should only be shared with the UECR2010 participants.
As you know, UHECR2012 will be held at CERN during 13-16 February 2012.
See you there!
Yoshiki Tsunesada, TokyoTech
- 2011/01/17(Mon) : |
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Dear UHECR2010 participants,
This is the 2nd announcement of invitation for UHECR2010 proceedings.
All the speakers of oral/poster presentations are supposed to submit
your manuscript to be published from American Institute of Physics .
The deadline of the submission is
25 Feb 2011 (Fri) 17:00 GMT .
- The format of manuscript is 8.5x11inch, doulbe-columns. The LaTeX
style files are available at the AIP page,
- The maximum pages of manuscript are
- 6 pages for >=30min oral talks
- 4 pages for <=20min oral talks and posters
- We need a transfer of copyright agreement.
The form is available at
Please print, sign, scan, and send as a PDF document
with your manuscript.
- Use an archive tool (tar.gz, lha, zip, etc.) to send all your files
including TeX draft, EPS files,
and a scanned PDF of transfer of copyright agreement.
- Address to submission:
- Deadline of submission is
25 Feb 2011 (Fri) 17:00 GMT .
Sorry for the tight schedule.
Yoshiki Tsunesada, TokyoTech,
as UHECR2010 LOC
- 2010/12/27(Mon) : |
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Dear UHECR2010 participants,
Thank you very much for your attendance to UHECR2010.
You are invited to submit a contribution paper, which
will be published from AIP conference proceedings
series. The deadline for submission is
25 Feb 2011(Fri) 17:00 UTC .
The format of manuscript is 8.5x11inch, double-columns.
The LaTeX style files are available from
The maximum pages are
6 pages for >=30min oral talks
4 pages for <=20min oral talks and posters
We will provide more information later.
# This e-mail is sent to all the participants,
# not only speakers.
Best regards,
Yoshiki Tsunesada, TokyoTech,
as UHECR2010 LOC