International Symposium on
the Recent Progress of
Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Ray Observation

Nagoya, JAPAN
Dec.10-12, 2010

Top Program Access Registration Accommodation Contact
In this Symposium, recent progress of ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray observation will be reviewed. We plan to discuss such topics as energy spectrum, arrival direction distribution, composition, energy scale, interaction models, and future directions. Let's join this Symposium and enjoy the UHECR physics.
- Recent Changes :
Oct.19(Wed) Proceedings are available at AIP WEB.
Jan.17(Mon) Proceedings info are updated
Dec.21(Tue) Snapshots are uploaded
Dec.18(Sat) Presentations are uploaded
Nov.12(Fri) Poster is available
Sep.24(Fri) Announcement
- Important Dates :
Oct.29(Fri) Deadline for abstract submission
Nov.12(Fri) Deadline for registration and payment
Dec.10(Fri)-12(Sun) Symposium
Feb.25(Fri) Deadline for proceedings submission
- International Advisory Committee :
V.Berezinsky, J.Bluemer, T.Ebisuzaki, R.Engel, M.Fukushima(secretary), F.Halzen, Y.Itow, P.Lipari, K.Makishima, P.Privitera, K.Sato, P.Sokolsky, F.Takahara
- Local Organization Committee :
M.Fukushima, Y.Kawasaki, S.Ogio, H.Sagawa(chairman), T.Sako, M.Takeda, T.Terasawa, Y.Tsunesada, T.Yamamoto